Executive Board

Charles R. Carrera


Brandon Stull

Vice President

Julie Borger


Steven Watson

Recording Secretary

Elizabeth Monday

Executive Board

Shan Hunter

Executive Board

Eric Chipp

Executive Board

David Plucinski

Executive Board

Joseph Quintana

Executive Board

Matthew Farfel

Executive Board

Kevan Smith

Executive Board

Business Agents

Nathaniel V. Gutierrez

Business Manager/Financial Secretary

Manuel Gonzalez, Jr.

Assistant Business Manager
Stationed in the Denver Office

Ron Geary

Assistant Business Manager
Stationed in the Grand Junction Office

Neal Ortiz

Assistant Business Manager
Stationed in the Denver Office

Austin Maier

Organizer/Assistant Business Manager
Stationed in the Denver Office

Juan Gonzales

Organizer/Business Representative
Stationed in the Denver Office

Luke Risacher

Assistant Business Manager
Stationed in the Denver Office

Matt Persefield

Business Representative
Stationed in the Grand Junction Office

Chris Flaherty

Business Representative
Stationed in the Cortez Office

Brad Baker

Business Representative
Stationed in the Denver Office

Jeremy Ross

Business Representative

Examining Committee

Cole Wakefield

Examining Committee

David Mann

Examining Committee

Todd Moore

Examining Committee

Administrative Assistants


Administrative Assistant


Administrative Assistant


Administrative Assistant


Administrative Assistant


Administrative Assistant